Building Spiritual Health

In its truest definition, spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul, as opposed to material or physical things.

I’m sure this is something you can easily resonate with, regardless of your thoughts on what this word means.

Whether you see spirituality as a practice, a religion, or something you feel out in nature, this is a strong health element that can help us balance fears, defeat doubts and transform worry into hope and optimism.

Maybe you feel strong in your faith or maybe you’re wrestling with what it means for you. In either scenario, here are three steps to help build your spiritual health, which will positively impact every element of your well-being.


First and Foremost: Define Your Higher Power

In addition to the above, spirituality can also be defined as a connection to something bigger than ourselves.

What is that “something bigger” in your life? Is it God, the universe, Source, nature? (spoiler alert…Netflix, your kids and spouse don’t count)

Ask yourself what you look to in times of despair or concern. Wherever you look, that’s your higher power.

Sometimes the answer to this question can bring on guilt or shame, as we often look to the wrong sources of relief during difficult times. Try to be kind to yourself with this question and just be open to exploring what comes up for you. There’s no right or wrong answer, just your answer.

As you lovingly and kindly define this for yourself, discern whether this is a healthy higher power (ie. not a bottle of wine). It should be a thing that rejuvenates your soul, gives you hope and offers grounding in times of trouble.

If it’s not “healthy”, give yourself a big hug and know you’re not alone. Many a times I leaned on alcohol, drugs, TV and food to help nurture myself during difficult times. But none of these things filled me up and never came close to healing me. Work with someone you know and trust to help find a new source of relief and begin to define that better higher power for your life.

Already know your higher power? Awesome! Keep reading!

Not sure yet or struggling to define it? That’s ok! Schedule a fast and free 15-minute consult to get an unbiased ball rolling.


Secondly: Reflect and Connect

You’ve likely felt gratitude, compassion, appreciation and awe at some point in your life. Think back to a few of those moments and identify what triggered those feelings.

Maybe it was a hike to a beautiful waterfall, or catching a breathtaking sunset. Maybe it was welcoming a new family member into your crew, or maybe it was simply getting a good night’s sleep.

Whatever it was, close your eyes and imagine that moment again. Visualize what you saw. Feel what you felt. Everything from emotions, to heart flutters, to tears of joy, to relaxed muscles. Really recreate that moment, and take note of what triggered those amazing feelings of gratitude, joy, appreciation and awe.

Whether your higher power is defined or you’re still working on it, this activity can recreate those healthy emotions which can help you strengthen your spirituality. And the added bonus? You’re stimulating your vagus nerve!

Stimulating this nerve can help you heal emotional and physical wounds, ease anxiety and help you better connect with your healing higher power.

You can journal it out, or simply just think and reflect. In whatever way works for you, try this exercise so you can tap into its healing power anytime, anywhere! You’ll be strengthening your spiritual health in incredible and amazing ways.


Last But Not Least: Practice Makes Progress

As with anything we’re working to strengthen, having a strong spiritual foundation includes daily practice.

Find a way to connect to and strengthen the things from steps 1 and 2 in a simple way you can do daily.

You can make a gratitude list before bed, pray on your way to work or carve out time to meditate (even 5 minutes counts!). Even taking a 5-10 minute walk outside is a great way to connect with nature and strengthen your connection to your higher power.

Making a daily practice of connecting to something bigger than yourself has incredible health benefits and is a beautiful act of self-care.

And remember…just because it’s a daily practice, doesn’t mean it’s another to-do. If you miss a day, that’s ok! Tomorrow is another opportunity to do it again. I bet that once you get into that practice, you’ll find yourself looking forward to the peace and grounding it brings you.

If you’re a little stuck on how to start or strengthen your practice, keep scrolling.


Bonus! Daily Practice Tips

Here are a few fun and creative ways you can practice your spirituality on the regs:

  • Use your drive time to reflect on things you’re grateful for that day (you can even get the family to join in!)
  • Spend 5-10 minutes in quiet meditation, simply focusing on a peaceful scene
  • Consider a form of prayer at dinner or before bed
  • Read 5-10 minutes of a book that aligns with and enhances your beliefs
  • Take a walk in nature, being fully present and aware of the beauty around you
  • Find a spirituality buddy to connect with via text for inspiration
  • Download an app that serves up daily reminders, scriptures, messages, reflections, etc.
  • Find a small way to serve a neighbor, friend or stranger
  • Pop into a few yoga poses, connecting with your body and higher power
  • Spend 5 minutes with essential oils or crystals that can ground your body and calm your mind

Remember that we weren’t meant to do life alone. Having a strong spiritual foundation can transform worry into hope, anxiety into peace, and fear into strength.


“I believe, and therefore anything is possible.” – Unknown