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Sort through my top Stress Management Tools
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Dig deep with my Burnout 101 Videos
Check out other health practitioners and my Trusted Partners
Stress and burnout affect over 75% of women. Use these tools to calm your mind, body and spirit.

Leah’s Top Stress Management Tools

Strap on this amazing Apollo Wearable device to:

  • Retrain your nervous system
  • Calm your mind and body when stressed
  • Get a boost of energy when tired
  • Focus when feeling scattered
  • Ramp down for amazing sleep
  • Get back to sleep in the middle of the night
  • Ease stomach aches and headaches
  • Manage your stress like a champ

Plug in a Himalayan Salt Lamp to:

  • Cleanse and deodorize air in your home
  • Improve sleep
  • Reduce effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder
  • Ease allergy and asthma symptoms
  • Improve mood and concentration
  • Try a night-light for smaller spaces

Dabble with Essential Oils to:

  • Calm stress and anxiety (Stress Away)
  • Ease into sleep, reduce inflammation, calm the mind (Lavender)
  • Awaken, clear sinuses, focus and relieve pain (Peppermint)
  • Calm an upset stomach (Digest Ease)
  • Ground and release emotions/thoughts (Release)
  • Ease depression and uplift mood (Cheer)
  • Ground, awaken and focus (Adaptiv)
  • Reawaken your senses (Starlight)

Experiment with Breathwork to:

Experience a Sound Bath to:

  • Calmy stimulate the nervous system, brain activity and organ functions
  • Decrease anxiety and depression
  • Heal the limbic system from chronic stressors
  • Reduce fatigue and chronic pain
  • Increase focus and clarity
  • Find the right environment and practitioner that works best for your situation and any triggers (very important for folks with PTSD)

Get your Daily Meditation on to:

  • Calm your nervous system
  • Create space for the brain to rest and the body to relax
  • Rewire neural pathways that have been damaged by stress or trauma
  • Improve sleep while decreasing fatigue
  • Reduce cortisol and adrenaline in the body

Read Burnout by Emily and Amelia Nagoski to:

  • Understand why we stress out and eventually burnout
  • Unlock and finish the stress cycle
  • Observe societal standards that have weighed heavily on our hearts, minds and bodies
  • Learn techniques for naming the burnout in your life
  • Quiet the stories in your head that are keeping you from changing and healing

Read or listen to The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van Der Kolk, MD to:

  • Learn how trauma is stored in our body
  • Unravel techniques to healing trauma
  • Understand the connection between brain, mind and body
  • Get the inside scoop on innovative treatments and healing options

Check out If The Buddha Dated by Charlotte Kasl to:

  • Get clear on what you want from your relationships
  • Outline relational red flags so you can quit making the same mistakes
  • Heal wounds from past relationships
  • Have a fun journey to finding out what will come next in your love life
Get effective wellness tips from these quick reads.

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Check out these short videos to learn more about stress, it's effects and how to heal.

Leah’s Burnout 101 Videos


Intro to Coaching with Leah

Get a peek behind-the-curtains on what it’s like to work with yours truly, Coach Leah!


What Is Burnout

Not sure what “burnout” is? This video will give you the skinny in under 3 minutes.




Pause and Reflection at the Ranch

A quick reflection on my journey over the last few years, in a little place I call Heaven on Earth.


Signs of Burnout

Watch this quick overview of burnout signs and symptoms to see what resonates for you.



Stress and Root Work

For every issue we experiencing, there is a root to the issue. Check out this video to see if stress is at the root of your issues.



Top Burnout Contributors

There’s no singular path to burnout. Watch this 3-min video to spark thought around what might be wearing you out the most.

Because wellness isn't a singular path, we need great partners that share the same heal.

Leah’s Trusted Partners


Are finances a struggle? Looking for a real coach and companion in this area? Work with Christine A. Centeno, CFP®, MS and founder of Simplicity Wealth Management. I’ve been working with Christine for nearly 4 years and she has been such a beautiful and crucial part of my financial journey. She’s also been my biggest cheerleader in starting my coaching practice. Christine is equally invested in your goals and success.

Is your body craving restoration? Do you suffer from breathing issues, inflammation or skin ailments? Then you need some Dry Salt Therapy at Tulsa’s very only pink beach!  At Salt Earth you can rest, relax and restore in their salt room, get a loving massage, try out healing reflexology and even get a Thermography scan. In addition to treating myself to salt therapy and massage, I host a monthly workshop at this beautiful location filled with kind and loving women. Check ’em out!

Have you been wrestling with exhaustion, confusion, overwhelm, and overall suckyness? Have you been to countless doctors only to be tossed another prescription to mask your symptoms? My 15+ year adrenal fatigue journey has finally ended after beginning my work with Dr. Andrew Neville in May of 2023. I suffered for years and finally found a doctor that knows how to treat adrenal dysfunction at the root, providing lasting healing and results. If you’re ready to get your life back, check out Dr. Neville and his amazing team of coaches.

Are you in need of a physical or spiritual uplift? Have you felt like you don’t “fit” into your own life? Pam McDonel, Rev. and owner of Sacred Energy Amplified can help you move stuck energy, or even define your authentic energy blueprint. Pam offers reiki, cranial sacral work and human design readings. She’s personally helped me get energetically unstuck, bringing more flow and energy to my life.

Have you been struggling with infertility, painful cycles, digestive issues, menopause or other female issues? Try a life-changing Arvigo Abdominal Massage with my friend and partner Tara Safran, LMT, NCBTMB and founder of A Touch Above Women’s Holistic Wellness. Tara truly has a healing touch and offers many other wellness services to help you live your absolute best life!

Whether you’re new to chiropractic care, or you’ve been burned in the past, Dr. Lindsay Lofton at Grass Roots Chiropractic should be your next stop! She provides a uniquely holistic approach to chiropractic care and is trained in 8 chiropractic techniques. She knows that every patient is different, and their care should reflect that. Dr. Lindsay takes it far past “cracking” and provides a whole-body care plan that will work for your goals and comfort level.

This is truly one of the best organizations I’ve ever worked with. If you have a child that has experienced trauma, and you’re in the Tulsa area, please check out the Tulsa Hills Youth Ranch. Their approach to healing trauma through Trust Based Relational Intervention is an amazing thing to witness. And it’s done on a 20-acre ranch that exudes peace, tranquility, love and acceptance. If you do not have a child that could benefit from their services, consider volunteering! You could always join me on Monday nights!