Not sure if you’re ready for incredible transformation? Take a peek at my client testimonials to get inspired around how you can change your life through the power of holistic wellness coaching.
``Leah has been an absolute God-send for me. I stepped into a new leadership position and had to completely rework the priorities and workflow to work FOR me, instead of against me. She has helped me to prioritize myself, and been patient with me when I'm not as responsive and not making as many gains/changes as quickly as we (I) had hoped. She has been flexible, supportive and compassionately honest in reminding me of my priorities (when I lose sight of them). I truly have made significant changes and she has been critical to not only helping me identify things that could change, but developing actionable goals to change them based off my needs to make this role more sustainable.``
- Kelly | Burnout Recovery and Energy Management, Tulsa OK
``Before starting my work with Leah, I felt stuck at work. Like so many others, the pandemic created all sorts of unforeseen challenges with my job and I started to feel frustrated, overwhelmed, and burned out. This started to seep into other aspects of my life as well. In working with Leah, she helped me find both practical and aspirational goals that had an immediate impact. We talked through issues together and solutions always came naturally through our work. Since working with Leah, I've gained a much healthier balance in my position and have a clearer sense of the things I can do to keep moving in a positive way. She helped remind me of the things I love about my job and why I got into my profession in the first place. Leah also worked with me to think about some long-term career ideas, which allowed me to feel less constricted. I could not recommend Leah enough, especially if you have faced similar challenges of career burnout.``
- Ben | Beating Career Burnout, Chicago IL
``It was such a pleasure working with Leah. She is a great listener and has such a natural ability to help me dig deeper and discover what my underlying issues truly are. Working with Leah helped me gain so much more confidence in my abilities to overcome what was holding me back. Leah has great discernment and was able to pull out some very thought-provoking questions and offered great insight in how to move forward.``
- Jodi | Slowing Down for Self-Care, South Carolina
``Before working with Leah, I was struggling as I knew things weren't in the best alignment in my life, yet I didn't know what areas to focus on. I felt exhausted and overwhelmed and knew I needed to make some changes to feel better. Since working with Leah, I now have a clear direction of which things aren't in harmony and tangible plans to move forward, aligning my choices with my health and values. In our sessions, I realized that I've struggled for a long time with putting others before myself as I don't value my time like I value theirs. Leah asked me the right questions to help me understand how I value my time, and myself. I'm now able to ask ``Is my time valuable to be used in this way?`` before I make new commitments. I feel I have greater insights into myself and my life that I can keep working on to have more harmony. Leah has some great tools that helped me uncover which areas of my life were out of balance while helping me start to prioritize myself. Leah asked me introspective questions that helped me find the answers I needed for myself. If you're looking to be happier or healthier, but aren't sure where to start, Leah would be an excellent guide to help you focus on the most important areas of your life that need to shift to become who you want to be.``
- Mellissa | Overcoming Overwhelm and Finding Harmony, Kalispell MT
``Leah is a confident and gifted guide and visionary. She is a patient and versatile observer able to change speed and focus easily during a session and yet guide and steer your energy to resolution of a challenge. Leah is an expert in providing balanced perspective, suggesting ways to improve, and even enhancing your relationship with self and others. Leah guided me through the challenge of an Ego with a tendency to “play small to stay safe” questioning my role between the Light and Shadow work I do with clients. She assessed, then guided me though my shadow side to fully acknowledge and accept that I am the Light that holds the sacred space while others do their shadow work. Through our work my mantra became: “I am the Light. I have nothing to prove nor a need to compare myself to others.” Leah will use her excellent observer and visionary skills to guide you through your personal journey, be it a simple shift or the deep shadow work. Her very nature, her authentic energy, is one of a gifted guide. Leah is there for you.``
- Pam | Overcoming Self Doubt, Jenks OK
``I can't say enough about Leah! She is more than amazing! My coaching sessions with Leah were everything I could have hoped for. She helped me work through some anger that I was struggling with and I felt better after only a few sessions. I deal with my anger much easier now, using the tools she gave me. Leah also helped me immensely with structure and time management. She gave me some very useful tools to help me stay on schedule to get my responsibilities accomplished in a more efficient way, instead of losing focus all the time, like I had been. Not only have I felt better with Leah's coaching abilities dealing with both challenges, but also about life in general. I am forever grateful that I had someone to talk to and provide useful tools to work through life's struggles. If you have these same challenges or want to work through confidence issues or work/life balance, participating in coaching sessions with Leah would be beyond beneficial.``
- Alexsaundra | Tackling Anger and Time Management, Fort Lupton CO
``Working with Leah was amazing! She helped open my eyes to things that I have been doing both right (which I did not give myself credit for) and wrong (some that I was not even aware of). Through it all she was encouraging and optimistic and kept me moving forward and motivated to make my life more peaceful and organized. I am a better person after working with her.``
- Joy | Healthy Weight Loss and Mindset, Searcy AR
``I had been dealing with burnout at work for quite some time. Feeling hopeless and not knowing how to process any of it, I came across one of Leah’s workshops. What she spoke about really resonated with me so I signed up for 3 months of personal sessions. Our first session was amazing! During our discussion she was able to peel back the layers and we discovered the root cause of issues that had culminated into one life changing event. Leah is a true light worker. She uses her gifts of discernment, compassion and personal experience to help you find light at the end of the tunnel. She’s extremely easy to talk to! She provided me tools and “homework” to assist with getting out of that feeling of being stuck and ways to improve upon not just my mental health but emotional and physical wellbeing. This lead to finding my true passion, taking steps to heal and letting go of things that no longer served me. I’m grateful that I found Leah and she was able to help me through such a difficult and challenging time in my life.``
- Shannon | Breaking Through Burnout, Tulsa OK
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